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Aqua Facts. How much of the Earth is water? The oceans cover 71 percent of the Earth s surface and contain 97 percent of the Earth s water. Less than 1 percent of the Earth s water is fresh water, and 2-3 percent is contained in glaciers and ice caps. The oceans contain 99 percent of the living space on the planet.

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News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. Rak-Su are a group competing on The X Factor 2017 and being mentored.

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Juba järgmisel neljapäeval alustab Kanal 2-s uus päevakajaline satiirisaade “Su nädal kõlab tuttavalt”, mida juhib Katariina Tamm. Kes aga on uus sarmikas meessaatejuht tema kõrval, selgub juba esmaspäeval Erinevate.

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