Vojteh Leskovšek of Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana (IMT) | Read 84 publications, and contact Vojteh Leskovšek on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.VIS-trgovina d.o.o. is a private company established in 1996. We are authorized distributors of several world esteemed producers of pumps, pipes and pipe fittings, pipe armatures and power generating units. We import their products and distribute them in Croatia and wider.primer odločala o tem, kdo lahko postane odvetnik in kdo ne, kdaj se bo nekomu odvzela pravica do oprav-ljanja odvetništva, kolikšen je lahko odvetnikov hono-rar. Slovenski odvetnik tako ne bo več ne samostojen ne neodvisen. To bo »odvetnik«, ki bo odvisen od milosti vsakokratne oblasti. Odvetnik, ki ne bo mogel.
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Project VEGA 1/0279/13 The role of intestinal microflora in pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and colorectal cancer and possibilities of its modulation in both diseases prevention Project NFP Center.Subject: 18 month programme of the Council (1 January 2013 - 30 June 2014) Delegations will find attached the final version of the 18 month programme of the Council, prepared by the future Irish, Lithuanian and Greek Presidencies and the High Representative, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Council. _____.Subject: 18 month programme of the Council (1 January 2013 - 30 June 2014) Delegations will find attached the final version of the 18 month programme of the Council, prepared by the future Irish, Lithuanian and Greek Presidencies and the High Representative, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Council. _____.
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Slovenia Business Point › Help Support › Notary officies. Notary officies. A personal identity document is needed for visiting a Notary's Office. If services are performed by an authorised person, he/she must also submit a certified authorisation for performing procedures. In some procedures certain additional documents need to be attached.Demos is a think-tank focused on power and politics. Our unique approach challenges the traditional, ivory tower model of policymaking by giving a voice to people.Moved Permanently. The document has moved.
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