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Produkty Pitania Kombinat became the winner of the International competition of meat products within the world's leading trade fair IFFA-2016, which took place .
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Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database (La Base Exhaustiva de Datos de Medicamentos Naturales) clasifica la eficacia, basada en evidencia científica, de acuerdo a la siguiente escala: Eficaz, Probablemente Eficaz, Posiblemente Eficaz, Posiblemente Ineficaz, Probablemente Ineficaz, Ineficaz, e Insuficiente Evidencia para Hacer una Determinación.
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For an extensive analysis of the Primero sueño, see Aída Beaupied s Narciso hermético: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz y José Lezama Lima (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1997). There is an online version of a book by critic Ermilo Abreu Gómez, Semblanza de Sor Juana (1938). Although an important reading of her work, beware.
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