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Sanatoorium diabeediravi korral Sotšis

Kuidas mõõta veresuhkrut glükomeetriga pärast sööki

Come and have a relaxing vacation with family, friends, partner or co-workers - Värska water park is a place to relax, have fun and take part in training courses.0 - 3 (Based on Average Rates for a Standard Room). FORMERLY KNOWN AS. AS Toila Sanatoorium. LOCATION. EstoniaToila. NUMBER OF ROOMS.The Sanatorium of Värska is surrounded with greenery and is far away from polluting industries and city noise. It towers next to the bay of Värska just like a light .Värska Water park with its many attractions, pools and saunas is an ideal place for relaxing for guests of all ages. Waterfalls and intense jets of water give you .Certificate of Excellence. Ranna 12, Toila 41702, Estonia (Formerly AS Toila Sanatoorium). Hotel amenities. Check In - Check Out. 1 room. 2 rooms. 1 guest.

Some more links:
-> Antud retseptid diabeetikutele

-> Diabeet i ii

-> Diabeediga lapse toitumine

-> Diabeedi algsed sümptomid

-> Diabeediga, oliiviõli

Sanatoorium diabeediravi korral Sotšis:

Rating: 799 / 287

Overall: 672 Rates

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4026 Debrecen, Bem tér 9. 
+36 52 794-229
+36 52 794-259
+36 30 955-1798 
Diabeediga rõõmsameelsuse laadimine



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