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Hypertophorta Har-ti Hind on võimalik diabeediga 2

The Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone is also called Schwartz-Bartter Syndrome. SIADH involves the over-secretion of ADH. The main function of ADH is to control the amount of water reabsorbed by the kidneys thus diluting the blood and decreasing the concentration of sodium in the blood.

Shungiit ja diabeet

Dr. Hitendra Dahiwadkar practices at The Kalyan Hospital in Kalyan City, Thane and Dr. Dahiwadkars Brain and Spine Clinic in Kalyan West, Thane. He completed MBBS from B. J. Medical College, Pune, India in 1989,MS - General Surgery from B J Medical College, Pune in 1992 and MCh - Neuro Surgery from G S Medical College, KEM Hospital Mumbai.

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