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Sihtriigi diabeediprogramm

Diabetologia is a monthly peer-reviewed medical journal covering diabetology and is the official journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes.It is published by Springer Science+Business Media and the editor-in-chief is Sally Marshall (Newcastle University).

Võitlus diabeedi traditsioonilise meditsiini vastu

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Ecco gli ingredienti indicati sulla confezione : Glymnema Sylvestre acido al 25% 150mg (stimola il cuore, il sistema circolatorio ed ha azione antidiabetica), Bitter Melon 150mg (3% bitters) (stimola la digestione e il metabolismo alimentare), Cinnamon bark 10% polifenoli 120mg (incrementa la rimozione del glucosio dal sangue, diminuisce i lipidi ed agisce come antiossidante), foglia.

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