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Diabeetiliste toodete tootja Arch

Experience an advanced navigation solution with this compact 9-inch GPSMAP 922xs touchscreen combo. Includes wireless connectivity for Garmin mobile apps, networking capabilities and built-in Garmin CHIRP and CHIRP ClearVü sonar.

Veresuhkru taseme tabel glükoosimõõturiga

The SPH-DA120 lets you enjoy all the benefits of smartphone connectivity in your car. Run smartphone apps, listen to your favourite music, watch videos or photos, and charge your battery on the go. The SPH-DA120 also supports AppRadio Mode, CarPlay and other connectivity solutions like Bluetooth wireless streaming.

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Job Advertisement. Steno Diabetes Center Odense - A combined position as clinical professor in diabetes with function as program leader and as consultant in endocrinology is vacant at the Department of Clinical Research/ and at the Department of Regional Health Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, and at the Steno Diabetes Centre Odense or at another clinical.

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